
The European social partners have created a dedicated group reporting to the Social Dialogue Committee. This group reflects on jointly identified themes of a common interest, taking into account the challenges highlighted in the semester process. This work aims to facilitate the mutual learning process.

We are pleased to invite you to the second meeting of this dedicated group in 2019 on the subject of social partner involvement and priorities for effective active labour markets policies.

To register for the meeting of the dedicated Working Group :“Active labour market policies for modern labour markets”, please fill in the application form below.


  • General Information

    Please note that items followed by a * are mandatory
  • For example: +32 (0)2 555 55 55
  • Lunch
  • Although the lunch is offered to the participants, all last minute cancellations with no justification will entail billing from the organiser.
  • In order to validate the form, please tick relevant box

  • The data are only collected for the proposed event. It won't be used for any other purpose

Jointly organised by

Organised by