Dedicated Working Group on Improving the Performance of Labour Markets and Social Systems Meeting on: “Gender equality and employment”
Since 2016, as part of their project activities, the European social partners have been organising two meetings per year as part of a dedicated working group on improving the performance of labour market and social systems.
We are pleased to invite you to the next meeting of the dedicated working group on the topic of gender equality and employment. The seminar will explore social partner perspectives on this topic and aims to address key priorities, including how to tackle gender segregation and how to close the gender pensions gap.
The aim of the meeting is to facilitate mutual learning on the policy initiatives and the concrete actions by social partners in this field as well as social partners’ involvement in the government-led or tripartite actions.
Practical organisation
- +/- 40 participants
- 32 national social partners (16 trade unions, 16 employers)
- Up to 18 EU secretariats, speakers, experts
- The link to join the seminar will be sent to the registered participants in due course.
- Please note that we will use the software platform Zoom
- Working languages: English
Interpretation will be available in French, Italian, Polish and Spanish.
BusinessEurope is in charge of the practical organisation on behalf of all European social partners.
Sorry, registrations are closed. Please contact the organiser by email
Jointly organised by