On 21 January, the European Parliament adopted a report calling for new EU legislation on a right to disconnect => Employers engaged to highlight their opposition, from a content point of view and calling for respect of social partner autonomy, in view of our agreement on digitalisation. The European Parliament called on the Commission to leave social partners three years to implement their agreement before considering further action.
There is a clear political impetus to come forward with legislation in the absence of concrete results by social partners on modalities of connecting and disconnecting during 2022. Reporting on social partner actions will be done via the 2nd annual implementation report, which will be prepared in spring 2022 in the Social Dialogue Committee. To prepare for this on the employers’ side, on 26 October we are organising a dedicated virtual meeting of cross-sectoral employers.
The aim of the seminar: to exchange on developments at national level on this topic, existing or planned social partner actions (at national, sectoral, company level), provide examples of concrete company actions, and discuss strategy.
Jointly organised by