Fact-finding seminar: Skills, innovation, provision of and access to training
Rapid labour market changes such as the industry 4.0 revolution, digitalisation, social, demographic and environmental transitions and global challenges require joint actions on improving education and training systems in a way that fosters innovation and enhances employees’ re-skilling and up-skilling. Social dialogue and collective agreements play an important role in the governance of training systems, in creating training opportunities and in improving the relevance and provision of employee training.
In this context the European social partners, building, amongst others, upon their joint work in the framework of actions for the lifelong development of competencies and qualifications and recent project on employee training, will undertake a project on innovation, skills, provision of and access to training. To help prepare this project, a fact-finding seminar will be organised on 26 June 2019.
Countries concerned: 33 countries, including 28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries (affiliates from EEA countries can attend the conference at their own cost).
- +/- 60 participants
- 50 national social partners (25 trade unions, 25 employers)
- Up to 10 EU secretariats and speakers experts
- Place: Brussels
- Date: 26 June 2019
Registrations are now closed
Jointly organised by