Final conference on implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Active Ageing and Inter-Generational Approach
Demographic changes and the capacity to make labour markets more inclusive with a progressive ageing of the workforce represent shared areas of interest and challenges for all Member States. There is a general consensus on the need for actions to make sure that these changes and their impacts on the labour market are accompanied in a successful way. Social partners, public institutions and different stakeholders are aware that these phenomena are impacting the labour market, especially, if coupled with increasing digitalisation and skills-related needs. Fostering healthy active ageing and an intergenerational approach to address these challenges has been a priority for social partners in implementing their framework agreement.
Objectives of the conference
- To present and discuss the final report and main findings on implementation of the agreement with EU and national cross-industry and sectoral social partners and other relevant actors;
- To showcase examples of successful implementation of the EU agreement at the national level as a source of inspiration for others.
Practical organisation
Interpretation will be available. The languages will be confirmed in due course.
BusinessEurope is in charge of the practical organisation on behalf of all European social partners.
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Jointly organised by