Final joint conference: “Promoting social partnership in employee training”
The conference aims to bring together social partner experts as well as representatives of the European institutions working on training issues. This conference follows three decentralised seminars that took place with social partner representatives from twelve countries between July 2017 and April 2018.
Employers and trade unions are best placed to set up efficient strategies on skills and qualifications development through social dialogue and collective bargaining, in line with national, sectoral or enterprise practices. The role of social partners is essential to design training content to underpin productivity gains and employee career development, as well as ensuring adequate access and availability of training opportunities on a cost-sharing basis. The project has focussed on fostering the social partnership approach for skills development at all levels, with a particular focus on the enterprise level. This conference comes at an important moment in the EU level discussions on the future of vocational education and training post-2020 and the project outcomes will feed into this.
Jointly organised by