Second steering committee meeting (Enlarged) – Skills Matching project 2025-2026
In the European Social Dialogue Work Programme 2022 – 2024, the European social partners outlined the relevance of organising a seminar and subsequent research project on “Improving skills matching in Europe”:
“As part of the green and digital transitions, upskilling and reskilling are a key factor for ensuring workers’ access to quality jobs and employers’ access to a skilled workforce. Therefore, it is important to strengthen and enhance social dialogue at all appropriate levels to ensure effective access to training (e.g. paid educational leave, training funds). Europe needs to improve its performance in addressing unresolved skills mismatches and reduce skills shortages. The involvement of social partners in skills intelligence (e.g. on skills forecasting, update of occupational profiles, etc) also needs to be developed. Social Partners will undertake a joint project activity, including looking at the different existing practices in the Member States and across sectors.”
Additional context to this project activity is provided by the European Year of Skills and the emphasis that this initiative places on skills matching, as well as up-skilling and re-skilling and the role of social partners.
The project approach will be based on research. A call for a sub-contracted expert has been issued to support the work of the project, in view of developing a research paper that will contribute to achieving the specific objectives of the project as outlined above.
The project activities related to the Skills matching research, including working with the subcontracted expert is supported and monitored by a steering committee. It will be set up with representatives from trade unions and employers as well as the sub-contracted expert. Consideration will also be given to the involvement of other relevant stakeholders on an ad-hoc basis. The steering group meeting will meet 5 times.
Jointly organised by