Seminar on “European Social Fund for capacity building of social partner organisations”
The European Social Fund (ESF) is a key instrument for implementing the Europe 2020 Strategy in the field of employment, labour market policies, mobility, education and training and social inclusion. The overall objective is to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, to the creation of more and better jobs, and to economic, social and territorial cohesion.
Social partners have a particular role on labour markets. They help shape the national employment outlook and skills competences held by jobseekers and can take direct responsibility for implementing some of the measures needed to pursue labour markets objectives. They can also initiate bilateral and/or unilateral activities. In line with this, they should be given a crucial role in designing and implementing actions initiated with the support of the ESF.
In this framework, sustaining capacity of social partners’ organisations and fostering national social dialogue through enhanced ESF support, better recognition and secured funding, should be viewed by all stakeholders, EU institutions and governments alike, as a necessary precondition and will contribute to the greater effectiveness of ESF spending.
Jointly organised by