Seminar “Supporting the implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement on Digitalisation” for social partners of Spain, Denmark, Malta and The Netherlands
The EU social partners continue to address the role of social dialogue (European and national) in changing economies and societies. They are committed to providing the framework for the national social partners of the 27 member states and candidate countries to exchange examples of best practices and debate on the outcomes of the European social dialogue, as a way to influence the policy debate in line with both employers and trade unions, and labour markets’ priorities. In particular, the actions related to the European social partners’ autonomous agreement on digitalisation respond to a need for support from respective member organisations for implementation, as well as learning and exchange of practices.
The European social partners will organise up to 4 dedicated cluster seminars involving 3 or 4 countries at the same time. The aim of these seminars will be to facilitate activities of mentoring, learning, twinning and exchanges on the implementation of the agreement on digitalisation between national social partners, with a facilitating role of EU social partner secretariats.
Objectives of the seminar
- Promote and support the implementation of the European social partners autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation
- Present the Digital tool that is being developed, including a repository of examples of implementation of the digitalisation agreement.
- Encourage exchanges between social partners from different countries by providing space for break-out discussions (to promote the agreement; to raise awareness and improve understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of the opportunities and challenges in the world of work resulting from the digital transformation; to facilitate learning between social partners; and to support national social partners implementing the agreement, where necessary, taking into account national economic and social realities and industrial relations practices)
Practical organisation
This seminar will gather social partners of Spain, Denmark, Malta and The Netherlands
There should be a balance between trade union and employer delegations, and organisations should take gender balance into account when nominating participants. There are approximately 40 places available:
- 20 participants for employer’s representatives (5 per country)
- 20 participants for trade union’s representatives (5 per country)
The working language of the seminar will be English. Interpretation will be provided for Spanish, Danish and Maltese and Dutch.
BusinessEurope is in charge of the practical organisation on behalf of all European social partners.
Registrations are closed
Jointly organised by