Virtual Cluster Seminar on Circular Economy
In the framework of the Integrated Projects 2020-2021 of the European social dialogue, we are pleased to invite you to the 1st Cluster Seminar on Circular Economy for: Denmark – Czech Republic – Germany and Belgium.
As part of their integrated projects 2020-2021, the European Social Partners are conducting a project looking into the impact of the circular economy transition on labour markets and working conditions. As part of this, we intend to organise three national joint cluster seminars, of which this is the first. This aims to give social partners in the respective countries the possibility to exchange good practices and views on this topic, as well as, where possible, to discuss the preliminary results of the accompanying study by our selected contractor Trinomics.
Trinomics is in the process of conducting interviews and an online survey with national/sectoral employer and trade union member federations and companies (management and worker representatives) to get views on how the circular economy transition is impacting on their national labour market and on working conditions, including occupational health and safety. The survey also aims to collect examples of good practices by social partners, companies and examples of effective public policies.
Practical organisation
- +/- 50 participants
- 20 national social partners (20 trade unions, 20 employers)
- Up to 12 EU secretariats, speakers, experts in each seminar
- The link to join the seminar will be sent to the registered participants in due course.
The working language of the seminar will be English. Interpretation will be provided.
Jointly organised by