

Atelier Aimée


Working time marries family time: a perfect wedding!

Summary of the initiative

Atelier Aimée is a manufacturing company founded in 1961 and since the 80’s is one of Italy’s leading companies making wedding gowns.

It is among the companies that have been awarded by the Lombardy Region as an example of a company that put in place innovative ways to reconcile work and family time of its employees.

The company has an extended overview of its workforce composition and needs. Aimée employs 145 employees (of which 99% are women), they are on average 39 years old with an average seniority of 11 years. 70% of company employees have children or elderly parents to look after.

Work-life balance is therefore considered a key element not only to innovate company HR management and competitiveness but also to improve quality life of workers. The company has invested on flexible working time arrangements and tailor-made work organisations: more than 40 different working time arrangements have been negotiated and more than 25% of workers are part-time (horizontal and vertical).

Since 2007 the company has exploited the possibilities given by art.9 of law 53/2000 promoting positive actions. After a work-family analysis of employees’ needs, based on questionnaires and interviews the project “Working time marries family time: a perfect wedding!” was submitted in order to receive financial support from the Family Department of the Italian Government. The project, following an agreement with the trade unions, foresees several interlinked initiatives and essentially aims at improving work-life balance. A flexible work organisation is promoted, including job rotation and job-sharing accompanied by training activities.

Money saving and time saving services have been put in place. They include:

  • Recreation centre for children when schools are closed (e.g. during summer or national holidays);
  • Babysitter or care service for elderly people when needed;
  • Family-friendly Office (training on parenthood, psychologist support);
  • Internet Point for online services;
  • Shopping, Laundry services.

At the same time, training modules have been organised in order to support employees’ career advancement and return after parental leave.

Tangible results have been achieved: low turnover and human capital is retained longer within the company; sickness and urgent leaves have decreased drastically; fertility rates of employees have increased despite the reduction of the workforce.

Presentation of the toolkit

Download the executive summary in your language

Background material

Download the framework of actions on gender equality